"Tempe Cesspool for the Arts"

aka "Tempe Center for the Arts"

Tempe tyrants ban fireworks!!!

  Tempe tyrants ban fireworks!!!


Tempe bans sparklers, fireworks

Posted: Friday, October 22, 2010 2:15 pm

Garin Groff, Tribune

Tempe has banned residents from using consumer fireworks in the city, in response to a law the Legislature passed that makes it legal for people 16 and older to buy some kinds of fireworks as of Dec. 1.

The Tempe City Council voted unanimously on Thursday to prohibit the fireworks, as the new law allows cities to pass their own restrictions.

Tempe police responded to 135 calls for illegal fireworks in 2009 and public safety officials said they feared an increase in injuries or property damage if fireworks were legal in the city.

The state law allows sparklers and fireworks that do not fly above the ground or explode. Tempe's ban does not affect commercial fireworks displays.

Tempe's penalty for violating the fireworks ordinance is $250, and the city can recoup its expenses if emergency medical or fire services are needed while responding to an illegal fireworks call.


Tempe Center for the Arts

Tempe Cesspool for the Arts