Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo busted by the FBII have always disliked that sleazy creep Ben Arredondo. It's nice to see the FBI nail him. From the few things I saw him do it seemed like he was only in politics for the money, not an alleged public servant as he pretended to be.State legislator Arredondo indicted in FBI sting by JJ Hensley - May. 16, 2012 04:55 PM The Republic | azcentral.com
The 10-page court document includes allegations that Arredondo asked the fictional company's representatives to purchase a $525 table for a charity event with the understanding that the former Tempe councilman would invite guests of his choice to sit in the seats. The indictment includes allegations that Arredondo took official action for the benefit of the fictitious company, including that he shared information with an FBI agent about the City of Tempe's bidding process for a project that Arredondo believed the fictitious company was interested in bidding on. The indictment also alleges that Arredondo accepted $300 in tickets to an Arizona Cardinals football game, more than $1,200 in tickets to Major League Baseball's American League Championship game in 2009 and that he accepted 18 tickets worth about $2,400 for Arizona Diamondbacks game sin 2010. Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman declined to comment citing the "ongoing" nature of the investigation. But one Democratic House leader called on Arredondo, a Democrat, to resign. "In the interests of our constituents, Rep. Arredondo should immediately resign to ensure that those in our community have unabridged representation," said Rep. David Schapira. "The Department of Justice allegations against him are deeply troubling and, whether he is guilty or innocent, will pose too great a distraction for him to fulfill the duties of his office. "Arizonans expect and deserve more from their elected officials. Sadly, this is another reminder of why we need more ethics reforms at all levels of government and leaders who are willing to uphold them." Arredondo could not be reached for comment but his attorney, Lee Stein, said Wednesday that they intend to "do our talking in court." Stein also said the indictment does nothing to take away from Arredondo's lifetime of community service as a teacher, coach, councilman and legislator. [Translation a life time government parasite and crook!] The indictment alleges that In April 2010, Arredondo set up a meeting between representatives of the fictitious company and a recently elected Tempe councilmember. Before the councilmember arrived, investigators allege, Arredondo talked about his upcoming campaign for the Arizona House and reiterated his support for the fictitious company's project. "Arredondo assured the representatives of (the fictitious company), 'You guys will ask, you guys will have'," according to the indictment. "I don't know how else to say it. We'll be just fine because not only we're covered in the city, we're covered at the state." The indictment also alleges that Arredondo accepted $300 in tickets to an Arizona Cardinals football game, more than $1,200 in tickets to Major League Baseball's American League Championship game in 2009 and that he accepted 18 tickets worth about $2,400 for Arizona Diamondbacks game since 2010. "To conceal that he had agreed to accept the tickets while a member of the City Council, Arredondo instructed a representative of (the fictitious company) to mail them to his home in Tempe," the indictment reads. "Arredondo gave that instruction 'to make it a lot easier' for him because, as he explained, 'I'm through with this council after that, and then I can honestly say I've never taken a look at these guys until after this.' "
Arredondo channels his inner Don CorleoneSourceArredondo channels his inner Don Corleone
Rep. Ben Arrendondo was indicted Wednesday, charged with bribery, mail fraud and two other federal offenses after getting nailed in an FBI sting. It seems this guy’s weakness for freebie sports tickets may have led him to help undercover agents, posing as developers, get the inside track on city-owned land for a project in Tempe. According to the Department of Justice, Arredondo used his position as a city councilman and later as a state legislator to broker meetings, divulge confidential information and otherwise sell himself – and his city – out for a lousy $6,000 worth of tickets to various sports games. Then he lied about it, the indictment says. Arredondo is the third sitting legislator charged with crimes this year, following the path of shame blazed by now-ex Sen. Scott Bundgaard, R-freeway fighter, and now-ex Rep. Richard Miranda, D-charity thief. Arredondo, a Republican turned Democrat, was one of the top three offenders in the Fiesta Bowl Fiasco, ordering up football tickets like the rest of us order pizza – only the rest of us pay for our pizza. In all, he took $6,240 worth of tickets from the Fiesta Bowl while on the Tempe City Council, including $4,000 Super Bowl tickets. He even called bowl officials and brazenly asked to be taken on a junket in 2009. As a result, he and the wife were treated to a fun-filled weekend in Minnesota. Now, with allegations that he took another $6,000 worth of tickets from undercover FBI agents, I am left to wonder: When did this guy have time to do anything other than attend sporting events? Apparently, he did because his attorney, Lee Stein, on Wednesday said Arrendondo has “dedicated his life” to public service and “done many, many good things over his years of service and these allegations do not change any of that.” Actually, they do. If they’re true, they taint every single thing that Arredondo has ever done while in positions of public trust and they may even throw a nasty stink onto the people he was tight with over at Tempe city hall. According to the indictment, Arredondo while campaigning for the Legislature was also channeling his inner Don Corleone. In 2010, while waiting to introduce the “developers” to his replacement on the Tempe City Council, he discussed his legislative campaign and assured them of his continued support. “You guys will ask, you guys will have,” the indictment quotes him as saying. “I don’t know how else to say it. We’ll be just fine because not only we’re covered at the city, we’re covered now at the state.” We’re covered all right, in disgust at the state of elected leadership in Arizona.
Ben Arredondo, Tempe lawmaker, busted in FBI sting operationSourceArredondo, Tempe lawmaker, indicted after FBI sting operation Posted: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 3:14 pm By Garin Groff, Tribune State lawmaker and former Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo was charged with bribery, extortion, mail fraud and making false statements following a sting where FBI agents posed as developers. The indictment claims Arredondo demanded the faux-developers buy him a table at two charity events, tickets to college and pro football games and later divulged information to help the undercover agents with a bid for city-owned land. The U.S. Department of Justice said Arredondo took more than $6,000 worth of tickets and special events in 2009 and 2010 in return for using his position at the city and in the state House of Representatives to help the developer with a project. The indictment alleges that Arredondo, 63, lied to FBI agents about his conduct when he was interviewed in January. Arredondo’s attorney said the facts are very different from the government’s allegations, but that he’ll wait until a trial to speak further. “What we will say, though, is that Ben Arredondo has dedicated his life to the city of Tempe, Maricopa County and the state of Arizona, having served as a teacher, a football and wrestling coach, a city councilman, a county supervisor and a member of the Arizona House of Representatives,” attorney Lee Stein said in a statement. “He has done many, many good things over his years of service and these allegations do not change any of that.” The 10-page indictment claims the FBI formed a fictitious company to develop real estate, and that Arredondo first solicited an agent in February 2009 for a $525 table at a charity event. He asked for a $600 table at another event the next month, according to the indictment, with the understanding he would pick his guests at both events. Arredondo accepted two tickets worth $305.95 to an Arizona Cardinals-San Francisco 49rs game in September 2009, records state. And the indictment alleges Arredondo took 18 tickets worth about $2,400 for various Arizona Diamondbacks games in 2010. The indictment said that to conceal that he accepted tickets while on the City Council, Arredondo told the agents to mail the tickets to his house after his term ended July 1. According to the indictment: “Arredondo gave that instruction ‘to make it a lot easier’ for him because, as he explained, ‘I’m through with this council after that, and then I can honestly say I’ve never taken a look at these guys until after this.’” The indictment claims he got the tickets July 2. Arredondo got two college basketball tickets worth $1,200 while in the Legislature in November 2010, the indictment states. Arredondo told one agent in 2009 that he would speak with Tempe’s development manager to set up a phone call between that official and the developer, documents state. The claim alleges Arredondo later gave the developer information about Tempe’s bidding process and how much the city would accept for its land. The indictment states Arredondo told the agent he would work to influence the planning official’s decision on the project. It continues that Arredondo set up a meeting with the developer and a person who had just been elected to the City Council. According to the indictment, Arredondo made reference to his election to the House and told the developer: “You guys will ask, you guys will have. I don’t know how else to say it. We’ll be just fine because not only we’re covered at the city, we’re covered now at the state.” Arredondo advocated the project to other elected officials, but the indictment said he never told them or staff members about gifts he’d received. Arredondo was charged with federal bribery, attempted extortion, making false statements and two counts of mail fraud. He will be arraigned May 30. If convicted, Arredondo faces a $250,000 fine per charge and prison sentences ranging from 5 years to 20 years per charge. Arredondo was a Republican but registered as a Democrat when he ran for the Legislature in a Democratic-leaning district. The Arredondo family has deep roots in Tempe, settling there from Mexico in the early 1900s. Arredondo and his five brothers were all educators. His attorney provided contacts with people who would vouch for Arredondo’s character, including Chandler grocery magnate Eddie Basha. The businessman and education advocate said he’s known Arredondo for decades and didn’t think twice when Stein asked him to speak about the longtime politician and educator. “He’s devoted his whole life to children,” Basha said. “He’s just one fine human being. What is so unfortunate is when a guy gives his entire life back to society and somebody says we think you’ve done something wrong, now the person is probably going to have to forfeit the equity he’s built up in life to defend his integrity.” Basha said he felt for Arredondo because he was investigated following his unsuccessful bid for governor in 1994. The grocer said Stein called him Tuesday with a hint of what was to come, but that he didn’t know the specifics of the allegations. “I think Ben Arredondo is an outstanding citizen,” Basha said. “He is a great father, a good husband. I think he’s been a great educator. There are countless people whose lives he’s touched.” Contact writer: (480) 898-6548 or ggroff@evtrib.com
Acusan de corrupción al legislador Arredondo Phoenix, Arizona por Eduardo Bernal May. 18, 2012 11:29 AM La Voz
De acuerdo con la investigación revelada el pasado miércoles 16 de mayo, Arredondo habría recibido sobornos que sumarían más de 6 mil dólares en boletos para eventos deportivos entre 2009 y 2010, mientras fungía como concejal en el municipio de la ciudad de Tempe. El Departamento de Justicia menciona que Arredondo solicitó los boletos a agentes encubiertos del FBI quienes se hicieron pasar por representantes de una compañía que buscaba permutar propiedades de la ciudad de Tempe. Ante estas acusaciones, Chad Campbell, líder de la minoría en la Cámara de Representantes, mencionó que si son ciertas, el legislador en cuestión deberá responsabilizarse por sus actos. "Cuando las leyes son violadas, los inculpados deberán responsabilizarse y en este caso el representante Arredondo tendrá que responder pos sus actos ante la ley", declaró Campbell ,representante del distrito 14. Por su parte, David Schapira, líder demócrata del Senado declaró que Arredondo debería renunciar a su puesto ya que estas acusaciones impedirán que desempeñe sus labores representando a los electores del Distrito 17. "Las acusaciones del Departamento de Justicia son alarmantes y esto presentará una distracción para que realice sus funciones como representante. Los residentes merecen más de sus servidores públicos; lamentablemente este tipo de situaciones nos recuerdan porqué se necesitan reformas éticas en todos los niveles del gobierno y los líderes políticos que lo conforman", declaró Schapira. La oficina del representante en cuestión no respondió a las acusaciones y se espera que más detalles sobre la investigación y las acusaciones se revelen en los siguientes días.
Apparently Tempe crook Ben Arredondo thinks he should have leniency because he worked at a part time job as a city council member of Tempe, and because he worked at a part time job as a member of the Arizona State Legislator.
That's silly.
It's like a purchasing agent who works at Motorola and gets caught taking kick backs and then demands leniency because he was a purchasing agent at Motorola.
Ben Arredondo’s public service marred by crimes, prosecutors say
Republic staff, wire reports Wed Jan 16, 2013 6:29 AM
Former state Rep. Ben Arredondo’s record of public service was marred by his crimes and can’t be a basis for leniency, federal prosecutors say.
Arredondo faces a Jan. 23 sentencing. He pleaded guilty to fraud charges that he solicited and accepted a bribe while he was a Tempe city councilman and misled donors about a scholarship fund to benefit his relatives.
A plea agreement recommends between 27 months and 51 months in prison.
Prosecutors have objected to a draft presentence report’s assertion that Arredondo’s history of public service as a teacher, coach and public official could help justify a lower sentence.
The prosecutors say Arredondo doesn’t deserve any such leniency. They say he sought and accepted bribes as part of a pattern of conduct that abused the public trust.
Arredondo pleaded guilty to two felonies and agreed to resign his legislative seat on Oct. 5, 2012, becoming the latest in a string of Arizona politicians to face criminal and ethics charges.
Trembling as he addressed the court, Arredondo pleaded guilty in federal court to honest services fraud and mail fraud. Honest services fraud is a federal charge often used in cases related to public corruption. Each felony comes with a maximum prison sentence of up to 20 years and $250,000 in fines. Restitution could be up to $50,000.
He was indicted May 16 on charges of bribery, mail fraud, lying and extortion stemming from an FBI sting that took place between February 2009, when Arredondo was a Tempe City Council member, and November 2010, shortly after he won the House seat. The longtime GOP politico switched parties prior to winning the legislative seat.
As part of the plea, Arredondo agreed to resign from the Legislature.
More articles on the arrest of Arizona House Representative Ben ArredondoCheck out this link for more articles on the arrest of Arizona House Representative Ben Arredondo.More articles on the arrest of Arizona Senator Ben ArredondoCheck out this link for more articles on the arrest of Arizona House Representative Ben Arredondo.
More articles on government crook Ben ArredondoHere are some prior articles on crooked Tempe City Councilman Ben Arredondo and crooked Arizona State legislator Ben Arredondo.And even some more articles on Ben Arredondo |